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       Basic Coverage @ 


1.  Mandatory Third Party Liability (TPL)


The Third Party Liability [aka Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) or Liability Damage Waiver (LDW)] is required coverage in Costa Rica, just as it is in Italy, Ireland, Mexico or New Zealand.  If alternate coverage cannot be validated, acceptance of TPL will be a condition of rental.

This waiver protects renters against liabilities resulting from injuries to bystanders and damages to third party property.

This basic coverage includes:

  • $2,000 deposit (hold) will be placed on the renter’s credit card.

  • Approx. $271,000 (â‚¡150 million; â‚¡554 Colones per $1.00 USD) maximum to cover personal injuries of individuals outside the rented vehicle.

  • Approx. $271,000 maximum for damages to third party property with a twenty percent (20%) deductible.

  • If TPL is the only choice taken; i.e. the renter opts to use their credit card’s CDW instead (see below), then the final payment must be made with the same credit card that was used for the deposit.


   Extended Coverage @ $19.95 to $21.95 per day


2.  Basic CDW — Optional

Basic Collision Damage Waiver (CDW for short) limits the liability due to vehicle damages and/or theft and includes the Mandatory TPL. Purchasing inhouse CDW coverage clears the renters from filing (and the follow-up of) a claim to recoup the upfront damages paid.

This extended coverage includes:

  • $750 deposit (hold) will be placed on the renter’s credit card.

  • $975 deductible for vehicle damages and/or theft, except in the case of negligence (see below).

  • $1950 deductible if authorized drivers are between 18 to 20 years old, unless negligence (see below).

  • Includes the $11.95/day Third Party Liability (TPL) fee.

  • Zero percent (0%) deductible for third party property damage to a maximum of $271,000.

  • Payment options (for either CDW) include:  the same credit card used for the deposit, a different credit card, a debit card, or cash.  Several payment options may be combined; i.e. pay with a debit card to its limit, then pay the remainder in cash. 

  Premium Coverage @ $31.99 per day



    Full CDW — Optional


Full Collision Damage Waiver (Full CDW for short) frees the renter from financial responsibility caused by accident, theft, or total loss, except in the case of negligence (see below).

This comprehensive coverage includes both of the above options (Basic CDW & TPL) and more.

  • $100 deposit (hold) will be placed on the renter’s credit card.

  • Zero ($0) deductible for accident, theft, or total loss, except in the case of negligence (see below).

  • Glass & Tire Protection (G&T): Full coverage for windshield, windows, tires, and rims, which incidentally are not covered under any other waiver option.

  • Includes the $11.95/day Third Party Liability (TPL) fee.

  • Zero percent (0%) deductible for third party property damage to a maximum of $271,000.

  • Not available if authorized drivers are between 18 to 20 years old.

  • Payment options (for either CDW) include:  the same credit card used for the deposit, a different credit card, a debit card, or cash.  Several payment options may be combined; i.e. pay with a debit card to its limit, then pay the remainder in cash. 


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